CrossPointe Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome.
a message from pastor ray moore
Thanks for visiting our website! We hope you will consider being a part of one of our live worship experiences very soon. The past couple of years have been incredibly challenging for all of us. Now more than ever we need the fellowship and encouragement of other people on this journey we call life.
After almost 12 years of being portable, we have just acquired our first permanent facility and we couldn't be more excited to give you the grand tour! Our prayer is that you would enter CrossPointe feeling welcomed and leave full of hope and encouragement.

When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
Worship Experience
9:15 am & 11am
Sunday Evenings
cCru Youth
5:30 pm
What To Expect
Our services last about 75 minutes. We love to sing and we love to use a full band and media to make the name of Jesus front and center in our services. If you have children, we offer childcare and activities for all age groups. Allow a few extra minutes to get them checked into their age appropriate environment.